Monday, December 17, 2012

GEO Edge Nine Color AN-A48 (Deep Red)

hai hai hai :D
before i'm post about the makeup tutorial, i'm want to review this first.
i'm buy this lenses for my bella cullen makeup tutorial ;)

oke let's start!
GEO Edge Nine Color ( Deep Red)
Diameter : 14.2mm
water : 38%
origin : korea/japan

 i'm buy different minus cause minus 1 out of stock :(

Pattern :

if you zoom it, you will see that it's simple with black dot around outer lens not full black out.
i like the pattern cause make dramatic effect for my eyes.
i give 4/5 for the pattern

diameter :
it's normal just 14.2mm :( so it's don't make largement eyes but i think if the diameter like 14.8mm it's scary cause it's make eyes bigger and with red color, u know it's scary hahaha.
i give 3/5 for the diameter.

conform :
it's conform enough for me but in AC room it's quickly dry :(
i give 3/5 for the conform.

effect :
nah this i will give 5/5 LOL
cause i lovee the effect on my eyes. it's beautiful, simple and what ever lah.
i feel like new born vampire :D

outdoor sunlight :


i know maybe u will think it's scary, but when u wear that, it's sooo beautiful and not scary
that's why i love this lens.
i would to wear everyday really hahaha and i would wear this contact lens when i'm go out XD
okee this is the end for the review. see u soon on my photo makeup tutorial.
hope u not disspointed for the makeup tutorial cause it's really really simple but give a beautiful effect ;)
see u soon ladies.. bye <3


  1. waaaaa, jadi pengen beli. makasih ya udah di review ^^


  2. I want to buy this color too... I ask 2 seller on FB, one they don't have red color and the second they said that red color is just for normal :(
    where do you buy it?


    1. i'm buy it on choco station ^^ you can check his twitter : @chocostation ^^
